Our Products

Your one stop air purification and sterilization partner.

Coronavirus is sensitive to UVC light as in the case of other virus and bacteria, and the germicidal effects of UVC irradiation with a peak intensity at 254 nm results in cellular damage of the virus inhibiting the cellular replication. 

2021 New Air Purifier

Take control of the air in commerical by removing dust, allergens and more with Agreen Air Purifier.

Home Air Purifier

Give your family the cleanest air possible with an air purifier —Smart features like UV-C light kills up to 99.9% airborne bacteria and viruses.


Grow Light

LED Growing light is a high-performance top-lighting solution for commercial horticulture cultivation


UVC Lamp Trolley

UV-C LAMP: Eliminates up to 99.9 % pathogens such as germs, viruses and bacteria.

Car Air Purifier​

Let’s drive to new fresh Air world by Removing Impurities with a 

Car Air Purifier.